Preparing to share at Homegroup

Here are some of my thoughts when preparing a message to share at homegoup.

It is by no means a concise list of “what to do’s”. I thought it would be helpful though to share these and hopefully these will help you when preparing for your times together.

Developing your message

1) Choose your subject

– Through prayer; sometimes given to you by a leader; sharing around Sunday’s message; an Apostolic visit; or it can be a truth that has personally inspired/challenged you.

– Either way, make sure you’re not regurgitating someone else’s message. What you share needs to be “from God’s Word to your heart, then from your heart to the people”.

2) Meditate on the text/Scripture/subject

– Read and re-read the text.

– If possible, it’s good to read different translations of your passage, i.e.: New Living Translation; NIV; NASB or KJV. These are available for free online at: or at

– Be sure you understand what the text means. Do your own interpretive work before you consult a Commentary.

– Ask questions like;

– How does this apply to me?

– How does this apply to the people?

– How does it apply to the culture? Etc.

– All the while, pray for God to illuminate the text, especially its application

– While you’re doing this, be scribbling down any notes and thoughts that jump into your head

– You can also ask others for their insights, thoughts, perspectives or listen to some other teachings/books etc.

– Once you feel you have understood the text for yourself, perhaps consult some online Commentaries or other references to see what other readers have to say. These are also available for free at: or at

3) Isolate the Dominant Thought

– Your message should convey only one major message.

– As you prepare your message, all your points and thoughts should help your people grasp this message.

– You should be able to express the dominant thought in one sentence.

4) Arrange your Material to Serve the Dominant Thought

– Chisel and shape your material, ruthlessly discarding any material that is irrelevant to the dominant thought.

– Use illustrations that will explain and convict. I.e.: Retelling a Biblical story in our current day, telling a modern day parable etc.

5) Add the Introduction and Conclusion

– Should not be elaborate but should arouse curiosity and whet peoples’ appetites for what’s to come. I.e.: Explaining the setting of the passage, story, current event or issue, etc.

– Your conclusion should apply your sermon, something that will encourage people to take action.

6) Write down and Pray

– Writing out your sermon forces you to think straight. After this, reduce it to small notes or a one-page chart

– Pray and pray some more

– Pray that God will enable you to “so possess the message that the message possesses you!”

– Give it everything you’ve got!

Some other Practicalities:

1) Try start off with a game/ice-breaker/interactive question

2) Keep your message short

3) Be sensitive to what God is/wants to do – the people are more important than the message

4) Encourage discussion/participation – ask questions

5) You are like a captain on a ship. You know where you want to go, but you don’t do all the work to get there.

6) Don’t feel that you have to get through all your points/notes

7) Have fun!

~ by jakesolivier on July 3, 2008.

One Response to “Preparing to share at Homegroup”

  1. Did my man share well last night or what! Was so proud of him! I count myself amongst the blessed women who have a man after God’s heart!

    I was greatly encouraged and stirred by John’s message…
    What challenged & encouraged & made me think most was the following two points in his conclusion:

    • We should stand for what is right no matter what the risk is to us, God is worthy of that
    • We should honour God in putting our faith and trust in Him, whether or not if He delivers us is irrelevant, He is still worthy of our honouring Him.

    This morning I read through Daniel 6 (Daniel in the Lions Den), and was further challenged by Daniel’s integrity. Can we as followers of Christ live the same lives of complete integrity, not only to God but also to those in authority over us (no matter how ungodly they are)?

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